Board Meeting – August 17, 2016

August 17, 2016
Callaway Gardens, Georgia

Board Members in Attendance:

  • Allison Slocum, President
  • Richard Osborne, Vice-President
  • Norman Pope, Secretary/Treasurer
  • Lisa Jackson
  • Jeanne Anne Marsh
  • Mike Mastrario
  • Mary Teter
  • Ethan Calhoun
  • Tom O’Bryant
  • Ken Patton, Past President


  • Jean Lord, UGA
  • Chrissy Marlowe, UGA
  • Martha Ann Coe, Member
  • Glenda McDonald, Member

All board members and officers in attendance.

President Allison Slocum called the scheduled board meeting of GAZA to order at 4:03 p.m.

Minutes of the previous board meeting held on April 8, 2016, in Eatonton, Georgia, were distributed all in attendance.  They had been sent by e-mail previously.  After review and discussion, Lisa Jackson made a motion, seconded by Mary Teter, to approve the minutes as written.  Unanimous approval.

The financial report was distributed to all in attendance.  Norman Pope, Treasurer, reported on the revenue and expenses of the Association. Ken Patton made a motion, seconded by Mike Mastrario, to approve the financial report. Unanimous approval.

The Scholarship Committee reported that five applications had been received for the Betty Gecoma Scholarship and the winner would be announced at tomorrow’s business meeting.

President Allison Slocum reported on her participation in Atlanta to discuss the revised plat act which will take effect statewide on January 1, 2017.  Several other people spoke on the pros and cons of this act and how it might impact zoning.  Todd Edwards from ACCG will present a program tomorrow on this subject to the membership.

Contract committee reported that GAZA’s contract with UGA will be modified this coming June with the allowable top revenue figure being increased.  No additional liability for the association will be incurred.

The Newsletter Committee will solicit help from the general membership in hopes that someone will be willing to take on the responsibility of the newsletter.

The AICP-CM Committee reports that discussions are underway with GPA concerning a possible partnership in sponsoring the continuing education credits for AICP certified personnel.  The majority of our membership is not AICP qualified and does not need the continuing education credits.

The Membership Committee reports that the GAZA membership currently stands at 164 members.  President Allison Slocum is preparing as survey to be sent to the 116 counties and 403 cities who have zoning within their jurisdictions.  The survey will inquire about available training and them aware of GAZA.

Arrangements for speaker introductions were made for the six scheduled sessions to be held tomorrow and Friday.

The Summer 2017 GAZA Conference will be held in Helen, Georgia, at the new Holiday Inn Express.

Discussion was held concerning potential scholarships and whether they should cover registration, travel expense, or both.  No decision reached.  Do you make scholarships available to current members?

The next scheduled board meeting is Friday October 14, 2016, in Eatonton, Georgia.  Meeting will begin at 11:00 a.m.   Meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

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