Board Meeting – August 21, 2019

August 21, 2019
Savannah, Georgia

Board Members Present

  • Lisa Jackson, Vice-President
  • Norman W. Pope, Secretary/Treasurer
  • Mike Mastrario
  • Allison Slocum, Past President
  • Jeanne Anne Marsh
  • Ethan Calhoun
  • Randy Mannino
  • Tom O’Bryant
  • Toussaint Kirk

Others in Attendance

  • Jean Lord, UGA
  • Precious Cooper, UGA


  • Richard Osborne

Vice President Lisa Jackson called the scheduled board meeting of Georgia Association of Zoning Administrators (GAZA) to order at 4:07 pm.

Minutes of the previous board meeting held on April 12, 2019, in Eatonton, Georgia were distributed to all in attendance.  Copies had been emailed previously to all board members.  After review Ethan Calhoun made a motion seconded by Randy Mannino to approve the minutes as written.  Unanimous approval.

The financial report was distributed to all in attendance.  Norman Pope, Secretary/Treasurer, gave a brief report on income and expenses of the Association.  After review, Randy Mannino made a motion, seconded by Mike Mastrario, to accept the financial report as written.  Unanimous approval.

The Scholarship Committee composed of Lisa Jackson, Allison Slocum, and Mike Mastario will review the six applications received and choose a winner prior to the business meeting scheduled for 4:00 pm on August 22, 2019.

The legislative Committee reminded everyone about the session tomorrow concerning legislative updates to be presented by Todd Edwards and Michael McPherson.

Membership Committee reported to the board that the membership goal of 225 members had been reached. Congratulations to everyone. Job well done.

A nominating committee will be formed at tomorrow’s business meeting to present to the membership a proposed slate of officers plus two board two board positions at the annual meeting to be held in February of 2020.

Mark Strozier from Macon-Bibb County has offered his services to help put together a newsletter for the Association. Officers and board members need to submit articles for inclusion in the newsletter.

Ethan Calhoun shared with the board the work done on the new GAZA website. Everyone was impressed and a big thank you to Ethan and his coworkers for their hard work and dedication. The website may be available for public display within four to six weeks.

Toussaint Kirk will handle the AICP sign-in sheets for the 2019 Summer Conference.

Introduction of the speakers for the six sessions was delegated by Vice-President Jackson.

The GAZA 2020 Winter conference will be held at the Great Wolf Lodge Resort near LaGrange on February 5,6, and 7. Room rate will be $103.00 per night plus a $19.95 resort fee each night.

The board made a decision to utilize Lake Lanier Islands as the host for the 2020 GAZA Summer Conference. The dates will be August 19-21, 2020, and the room rates will be $169.00 per night which includes admission into the park.

After lengthy discussion concerning the certificate of attendance and the milestone attendance awards a decision was made to continue the certificate of attendance as it enables participants to have validation of their attendance. A motion by Norman Pope, seconded by Allison Slocum, to discontinue The Milestone Award was unanimously endorsed by the board because of the problems and confusion resulting from the records.

The next scheduled board meeting will be held on Friday, October 25, 2019, in Eatonton at the Putnam County Administrative Center. The meeting will begin at 11:00 am.

The GAZA board meeting was adjourned at 5:29 p.m.

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