Board Meeting – February 1, 2017

February 1, 2017
Athens, Georgia

President Allison Slocum called the scheduled board meeting of GAZA to order at 4:04 p.m.

In attendance were President Allison Slocum, Vice-President Richard Osborne, Secretary/ Treasurer Norman Pope, board members:  Ethan Calhoun,

Tom O’Bryant, Mary Teter, Lisa Jackson, Mike Mastrario, Jeanne Anne Marsh, and immediate Past President Ken Patton.  Board members Jeanne Anne Marsh and Tom O’Bryant were unable to attend the meeting.  Chrissy Marlowe was also in attendance representing CVIOG from UGA.

Minutes of the previous board meeting held on October 14, 2016, in Eatonton, Georgia, had been e-mailed previously to all in attendance.  Copies were also distributed at this meeting.  Lisa Jackson made a motion, seconded by Ken Patton, to approve the minutes as written.  Unanimous approval.

Treasurer Norman Pope distributed copies of current financial report to all in attendance.  After a short report on income and expenses of the Association, Ken Patton made a motion, seconded by Tom O’Bryant, to approve the financial report. Unanimous approval.

Scholarship Committee reported that the deadline to receive applications for the 2017 – 2018 Betty Gecoma Educational Scholarship will be May 31, 2017.

Legislative Committee report centered around Senate Bill #2 and its potential impact.  Richard Osborne and Allison Slocum provided the board with information and possible effects of this bill.

During the past few years, several members have questioned why the winter training conference is always held in Athens at the UGA Continuing Education Center.  The association is not bound contractually to any particular site. Ken Patton will inform the membership at tomorrow’s business meeting and seek responses to alternate sites.

The Newsletter Committee reported the most recent edition was sent out in January.  Apparently, some members did not receive their newsletter, and Jean Lord from UGA will have some available on Friday at the conference.

Richard Osborne presented a proposal for GPA to sponsor some of our sessions for AICP-CM credit.  Richard will verify with GPA that this would be done at no cost to GAZA with the

exception that we provide recognition to GPA for their sponsorship.  Will be discussed in more detail at next board meeting.

Membership committee reported that 2017 membership currently stands at 103 members for 2017.

A total of 74 people are currently registered for the conference beginning tomorrow.  Assignments were made for speaker introductions by President Slocum.

The 2017 Summer Conference is set for August 23 – 25 in Helen, Georgia.  After reviewing several sites and costs associated with those sites, Lisa Jackson made a motion, seconded by Mary Teter, to hold the 2018 Winter Conference at Lake Blackshear State Park near Cordele on February 7 – 9, 2018.  Motion passed unanimously.

The Summer 2018 site was also discussed after reviewing numerous sites provided by Jean Lord from UGA.  Lisa Jackson made a motion, seconded by Ethan Calhoun, to return to Sea Palms Resort in St. Simons Island, Georgia, in August of 2018.  Motion passed unanimously.

The next scheduled board meeting of GAZA will be held on Friday, March 24, 2017, at the Putnam County Administrative Center in Eatonton, Georgia.  Meeting will begin at 11:00 a.m.

With no further business to conduct, the board meeting was adjourned at 5:12 p.m.

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