GAZA Board Meeting
March 20, 2015
Eatonton, GA
Members in Attendance:
- Ken Patton
- Norman Pope
- Richard Osborne
- Mary Teter
- Lisa Jackson
- LaMeisha Kelly
- Mike Mastrario
- Tom O’Bryant
- Randy Mannino
Members Absent:
- Allison Slocum
Staff in Attendance:
- Jean Lord (UGA)
President Patton called the meeting to order at 11:04 AM.
Minutes of the previous board meeting held on February 4, 2015 in Athens, GA had been emailed to everyone in attendance. Copies were also available at this meeting. After review, Randy Mannino made a motion, seconded by Mary Teter, to approve the minutes as written. Unanimous approval.
A financial report was distributed to all in attendance. Norman Pope gave a report on revenue and expenses. Lisa Jackson made a motion, seconded by Mike Mastrario, to accept the financial report. Unanimous approval.
Jean Lord from UGA provided a written summary of the revenue and expenses of the Winter 2015 conference held in Athens, GA. Attendance was low with only 70 attendees. Total revenue was $20,743 and expenditures were $23,522.03. Net loss of $2,779.03. Current balance in the equity account for GAZA is $1,979.61, but the loss of $2,779.03 will result in a negative balance of $799.42 in the equity account.
Committee reports were received from several GAZA Committees. No scholarship applications have been received at this point, with the deadline for 2015-16 being May 30. The legislative committee report involved the proposed transportation funding proposals as well as discussion concerning water planning and the water planning councils. A newsletter is scheduled to be published before the Summer conference.
2015 Summer conference will be August 19-21 at the Riverfront Marriott in Savannah with room rates at $130 per night plus $10 per night in parking.
Several sites for the Summer 2016 conference are being considered. One possibility is Unicoi State Park in Helen. Randy Mannino made a motion, seconded by Lisa Jackson, to conduct a site visit to Unicoi. Unanimous approval. Jean Lord will arrange the site visit.
Discussion was held concerning vendor booths at conferences. Possible source of revenue. Mr. Patton, Mr. Mannino, and Mr. Pope will meet and explore the possible use of these sources.
The 2015 Summer conference schedule and sessions were established.
Thanks to Lisa Jackson and Putnam County for allowing GAZA to hold their board meeting at the administration center.
Board meeting adjourned at 1:57 PM.