GAZA Scheduled Board Meeting
October 19, 2012
Dublin, GA
- Randy Mannino
- Ken Patton
- Norman Pope
- Allison Slocum
- Johnny Parham
- Darryl Simmons
- Steven Scholar
- Mary Teter
- Nancy Seegar
Others in Attendance:
- Chrissy Marlowe
- Jean Lord – UGA
President Randy Mannino called the scheduled board meeting to order at 11:36 AM.
Minutes of the previous board meeting held on August 22, 2012 at Brasstown Valley Resort had been emailed to all in attendance. Copies were also distributed at the meeting. After review, Ken Patton made a motion, seconded by Allison Slocum, to accept the minutes as written. Unanimous approval.
A current financial report was distributed to all in attendance. After Treasurer Norman Pope gave a brief report, Ken Patton made a motion, seconded by Johnny Parham, to accept the financial report. Unanimous approval.
Jean Lord from CVIOG at UGA distributed a breakdown of costs for the Summer 2012 conference held at Brasstown Valley Resort at Young Harris, GA. There were 71 registered for the conference at $325 each which produced $23,075 and additional revenue of $1,696.75 which totaled $24,771.75 for the event. Food costs for the conference totaled $11,668.10. GTED services cost $8,308 which was reduced by $5,000 from the GAZA surplus account. Total expenses totaled $21,343.44 which included $2,820.19 in administrative costs. The balance to surplus for this event was $3,428.31 after total expenses were deducted from total revenue.
The vacant board position created by the resignation of Stacey Ward was discussed. According to GAZA bylaws, the board can appoint someone to fill the vacant position until the next annual meeting in February 2013. Ken Patton made a motion, seconded by Norman Pope, to fill the vacant position with Lisa Jackson from Putnam County. Unanimous approval.
Committee reports were heard from the following members:
- Scholarship – Norman Pope reported that the deadline for the 2013-14 scholarship award will be April 30, 2013. Applications are available on the GAZA website.
- Legislative – No report at this time.
- Contract – Randy Mannino reported that the committee is still moving ahead and gathering data as to the best and most cost effective methods for future conferences.
- Newsletter – Rosana Juestel who works with the Columbus-Muscogee Consolidated Government has volunteered to take over as editor of the GAZA newsletter. A motion was made by Ken Patton, seconded by Darryl Simmons, to name Ms. Juestel as editor of newsletter with Allison Slocum to be the coordinator on behalf of the board. Unanimous approval.
- AICP-CM – Nancy Seegar submitted an email report on her efforts to get the 2012 Summer Conference certified for AICP continuing education credits. Nancy was unable to join us due to sickness.
- Certificate Program – Ken Patton gave a report on his ongoing conversations with ICC and how that program may tie into the proposed certificate program.
- Membership – Johnny Parham gave a short report on the efforts to increase the membership based. Darryl Simmons volunteered to serve on the membership committee.
Randy Mannino gave a short report on the work of the DCA Planning Task Force and their ongoing work to revise and modify the planning regulations for the state of Georgia.
A request from GPA had been received by GAZA requesting support for the Open Records Act training session. After discussion, Norman Pope made a motion, seconded by Allison Slocum, to support the request of GPA. Unanimous approval.
The evaluations from the Summer 2012 Conference were reviewed and discussed. The overall objectives were met and it was deemed to be a successful conference.
A substantial amount of time was used in setting the program for the 2013 Winter Conference to be held in Athens on February 7-8. The board decided to raise the minimum number of attendees to 70 for this meeting in order to try and reduce registration fees.
With no further business to conduct, President Mannino adjourned the meeting at 2:17 PM.