GAZA Annual and Business Meeting
February 4, 2016
Athens, Georgia
President Ken Patton called the annual business meeting of GAZA to order at 4:25 p.m.
Copies of the previous business meeting minutes held on August 20, 2015, in Savannah, Georgia, had been distributed to everyone in attendance. After review, William Geer made a motion, seconded by Lisa Jackson, to accept the minutes as written. Unanimous approval.
A current financial report was distributed to everyone in attendance. Norman Pope, Secretary/Treasurer, gave a report of current revenue and expenses of the Association. Scott Morgan made a motion, seconded by Art Brown, to approve the financial report. Unanimous approval.
Scholarship applications for the 2016-2017 Betty Gecoma Scholarship presented by GAZA are presently being accepted. Deadline for this year’s award is May 30, 2016. Winner will be announced at the GAZA Summer conference at Callaway Gardens.
The Nominations Committee composed of Harry Barton, Schubert Lane, Tom O’Bryant, and Norman Pope submitted the following nominations for the office positions of GAZA to serve two year terms:
- President: Allison Slocum
- Vice-President: Richard Osborne
- Secretary/Treasurer: Norman Pope
Randy Mannino made a motion, seconded by Paul Forgey, to accept the slate of officers as submitted. Unanimous.
The Nominations Committee also submitted the name of Mike Mastrario to serve a four year term on the GAZA Board of Directors. Harry Barton made a motion, seconded by Randy Gordon, to accept the nomination. No nominations were received from the floor. Mike Mastrario was elected unanimously.
The Nominations Committee also submitted the name of Jeanne Anne Marsh to serve a four year term on the GAZA Board of Directors. Scott Morgan made a motion, seconded by Mike Mastrario, to accept the nomination. No nominations were received from the floor. Jeanne Anne Marsh was elected unanimously.
Since Richard Osborne would be leaving his seat on the GAZA Board of Directors to move into the Vice-President position, the Nominations Committee submitted the name of Ethan Calhoun to serve a two year term on the GAZA Board of Directors. Richard Osborne made a motion, seconded by Mike Mastrario, to accept the motion. No nominations were received from the floor. Ethan Calhoun was elected unanimously.
President Ken Patton announce that the GAZA Summer Conference will be held at the Lodge and Spa at Callaway Gardens on August 17 thru August 19, 2016. Room rates will be $131.00 per night and will include admission to the Gardens. The 2017 GAZA Winter Conference will be held in Athens in February of 2017, but no date has yet been established.
President Patton announced to the membership that the GAZA Board had voted to table any additional efforts for the present time toward the establishment of a certification program for zoning administrators. Numerous reasons went into this decision including cost, establishment of curriculum, but the major factor was to not change our current semi-annual training conferences. This desire was expressed by a large majority of our members.
With no further business to conduct, the annual meeting of GAZA was adjourned at 4:45 p.m.