Board Meeting – October 25, 2019

October 25, 2019
Eatonton, Georgia

Board Members Present

  • Richard Osborne, President
  • Lisa Jackson, Vice-President
  • Norman W. Pope, Secretary/Treasurer
  • Jeanne Anne Marsh
  • Toussaint Kirk
  • Ethan Calhoun
  • Tom O’Bryant
  • Allison Slocum, Past President

Board Members Absent

  • Randy Mannino
  • Mike Mastrario

Others in Attendance

  • Jean Lord, UGA
  • Chrissy Marlowe, UGA
  • Mara Shaw, UGA

President Richard Osborne called the scheduled board meeting of Georgia Association of Zoning Administrators (GAZA) to order at 11:03 a.m.

Mara Shaw from UGA made a presentation to the board concerning the use of CVIOG templates for upcoming conferences. The Template could be used on all information including registration, pass-out materials, and evaluations. The board agreed to the use of the template.

Mara Shaw also discussed with the board an opportunity for a group learning environment called “Out of the Gray” to be conducted at the GAZA 2020 Winter Conference. The board agreed with the concept and decided to cap the maximum number of participants at 35.

Minutes of the previous board meeting held in Savannah, Georgia, on August 21, 2019 were distributed to all in attendance. After review    and discussion, Allison Slocom made a motion, seconded by Ethan Calhoun, to approve the minutes as written. Unanimous Approval.

The Financial report was distributed to all in attendance. After review and a report on income and expenses by Norman Pope, Treasurer, Lisa Jackson           made a motion, seconded by Jeanne Anne Marsh, to accept the financial report. Unanimous Approval.

Review of the 2019 Summer Conference held in Savannah revealed that GAZA had 185 registered attendees. The overall evaluations indicated the sessions were well received and informative. Revenue exceeded expenses by $16,602.30 and that amount was added to the GAZA residual account with CVIOG bringing the total to $29,312.00.

The Scholarship committee reported that Smith Kaiser was the winner of the 2019-2020 Betty Gecoma Scholarship. Smith is a student at the University of Georgia and resides in Statesboro. The deadline for application submission for the GAZA 2020-2021 scholarship will be May 30, 2020.

Legislative Committee gave a short report on potential bills that may affect zoning and land use in the upcoming session beginning in January.

Sponsor Committee will meet to discuss methods to expand the program.

Nominating Committee will be chaired by Randy Mannino. Other members will be Paul Forgey and Mike Mastrario. They will deliver a proposed slate of officers plus two board positions to the membership at the 2020 Winter Conference to be held at The Great Wolf Lodge in February.

The Communication Committee reported that the new website was operational and board members were asked to review and make recommendations concerning any additions or changes.

The 2020 Summer GAZA Conference will be held at The Lake Lanier Islands Conference Center in August 19-21, 2020. The GAZA Winter Conference in 2021 will be held in Athens at the UGA Continuing Education Center on February 3rd thru 5th. The Summer 2021 Conference will be determined at the next board meeting. Jean Lord, UGA, has been asked to obtain information on sites in Augusta and Callaway Gardens.

Discussion was held concerning the upcoming 2020 GAZA Winter Conference to be held at The Great Wolf Lodge Resort in LaGrange, Georgia, on February 5th thru 7th. Decision was made to not do bingo in order to give attendees more time for the water park. A very appealing group of sessions along with speakers was arranged.

President Richard Osborne reminded everyone in attendance to request all attendees to bring door prizes to the upcoming conference.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:50 p.m.

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