April 11, 2014
Eatonton, Georgia
Board Members in Attendance:
- Ken Patton, President
- Allison Slocum, Vice President
- Norman Pope, Secretary/Treasurer
- Mary Teter
- Lisa Jackson
- Richard Osborne
Board Members Absent:
- Tom O’Bryant
- Randy Mannino
- Mike Mastario
Staff in Attendance:
- Jean Lord (UGA)
- Chrissy Marlow (UGA)
President Ken Patton called the scheduled board meeting of GAZA to order at 11:15 a.m.
Minutes of the previous board meeting held on February 5, 2014, in Athens, Georgia, had been e-mailed to all board members. Copies were also distributed at this meeting. After discussion and review, Lisa Jackson made a motion, seconded by Mary Teter, to approve the minutes as written. Unanimous approval.
Copies of the current financial report was distributed to all in attendance. Norman Pope, Treasurer, gave a short report on revenue and expenses. Allison Slocum made a motion, seconded by Mary Teter, to approve the financial report. Unanimous approval.
The GAZA 2014 Summer Conference is scheduled for the Riverfront Marriott in Augusta, Georgia, beginning on August 13 and ending on August 15. Room rates will be $106.00 per night. Currently, seventy (70) rooms are reserved. Some discussion was held concerning the need to increase that number. The board ultimately decided to increase the number of rooms to eighty (80). The cutoff date to reserve a room at the GAZA rate will be July 9, 2014.
Jean Lord from UGA provided the board with a breakdown of revenue and expenses from the Winter Conference meeting held in Athens. Total revenue generated by the 86 attendees was $23,109.00 and total expenses amounted to $20,073.84 which resulted in a $3,035.16 credit. A residual credit from GAZA’s UGA credit bank of $1,200.00 was used to reduce expenses for the 2014 Winter Conference.
Richard Osborne was asked to coordinate a meeting with our current website host. Ken Patton, Richard, and Norman Pope would like to meet with this gentleman to discuss the GAZA website and to make sure it is secure and functioning properly.
Reports were received from the following committees:
- Scholarship Deadline for receipt of applications will be May 31, 2014.
- Legislature Several changes in law regarding telecommunication towers – should schedule a session for it.
- Contract No Activity.
- Newsletter Upcoming edition will include a board member profile and an expert opinion segment.
- AICM CM Richard Osborne is currently handling all data and submissions.
- Certificate Program A draft of the code of ethics has been developed and reviewed by the board. It will be provided to membership at the Summer Conference for their review, and they will be asked to vote on it at the 2015 Winter Conference.
- Membership Currently at 131 Members. Everyone needs to recruit. Lisa Jackson will take over as membership chairman.
No additional reports from committees were received.
Discussion was held concerning an update to the strategic plan and the mission statement of GAZA, and the creation of a proposed code of ethics for our organization. Allison Slocum had previously e-mailed all board members with the proposed draft of the code of ethics. After discussion and review, Richard Osborne made a motion, seconded by Lisa Jackson, to provide all members with a copy of the proposed code of ethics at the upcoming summer Conference in Augusta, and request that they be prepared to vote on it at the 2015 Winter Conference. Motion passed unanimously.
Discussion was held concerning the vacant board position created by the resignation of Johnny Parham. Allison Slocum agreed to contact LaMeisha Kelly from the city of Rincon to see if she might be interested in serving the remainder of the term which expires in 2016.
Discussion was held concerning GAZA by-laws and the need to review them. Copies of the current bylaws will be sent to all board members and any revisions or additions can be discussed at the next board meeting. It may become necessary to appoint a by-laws committee.
Proposals for the 2015 Summer Conference were presented by Jean Lord. The sites available were Callaway Gardens, Savannah, and Valdosta. After review and discussion, Lisa Jackson made a motion, seconded by Mary Teter, to have the 2015 Summer Conference in Savannah at the Marriott Riverfront on August 19 thru August 21, 2015. Motion passed unanimously. The board requested Jean Lord to secure information for Summer Conference in 2016 from the following locations: Columbus, Helen, Brasstown Valley, and Jekyll Island.
Evaluations form the 2014 Winter Conference had been e-mailed to all board members. Copies were also available at the meeting. After review and discussion, it was determined that the Conference was successful and the vast majority of the attendees were pleased. It was noted that GAZA had 86 participants for the Winter 2014 Conference and we had only projected seventy (70).
The topics and potential speakers were discussed for the Summer 2014 Conference. Attached to these minutes is the proposed agenda for the Conference. Deadline for confirmation of speakers is May 1, 2014.
President Ken Patton discussed the current AICP CM program that GAZA has been utilizing for several years. Based on the number of participants each conference, he would like the board to study the effectiveness and the costs associated with the program. Detailed information will be forthcoming at the next board meeting scheduled for August 14, 2014, in Augusta.
Richard Osborne had been contacted by the Augusta Downtown Development Authority (DDA) and they were delighted that GAZA had chosen their city as our 2014 Summer Conference site. The DDA offered to set up a booth and distribute materials to all our members concerning places to visit, restaurants, shopping, etc. while in their city. Allison Slocum made a motion, seconded by Lisa Jackson, to approve this offer. Unanimous approval.
With no further business to conduct, Lisa Jackson made a motion, seconded by Mary Teter, to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.