GAZA Board Meeting
February 5, 2014
- Randy Mannino
- Ken Patton
- Norman Pope
- Lisa Jackson
- Allison Slocum
- Mary Teter
- Tom O’Bryant
- Jean Lord
- Chrissy Marlowe
- Nancy Seegar
- Johnny Parham
President Mannino called the scheduled board meeting to order at 4:00 PM.
Minutes of the previous board meeting held on October 18, 2013 in Eatonton, GA had been emailed previously. Copies were distributed for this meeting. After review, Ms. Jackson made a motion, seconded by Ms. Slocum, to approve the minutes as written. Unanimous approval.
Norman Pope, Secretary/Treasurer, distributed copies of current financial report. He updated the board on revenues and expenses and current financial condition of the association. Ken Patton made a motion, seconded by Ms. Jackson, to approve the financial report. Unanimous approval.
The nominations committee submitted a proposed list of officers and board members. The proposed slate of officers would be Ken Patton – President; Allison Slocum – Vice-President; Norman Pope – Secretary/Treasurer. They would serve two year terms ending with Winter Conference in 2016. Tom O’Bryant and Richard Osborne were nominated for 4 year terms on the Board of Directors to serve through the Winter Conference in 2018. Mike Mastrario was nominated to fill the unexpired term of Darryl Simmons which would run through Winter Conference 2016. Lisa Jackson made a motion, seconded by Mary Teter, to approve the nominations committee proposal and submit to the general membership for a vote at the next business meeting of the association. Motion passed unanimously.
Committee reports were reported to the Board in the following summary:
- Scholarship: Applications available at the conference and through the website. Deadline for 2014 will be May 31, 2014.
- Legislature: No report.
- Contract: No report.
- Newletter: Allison Slocum reported that newsletter was unable to be published prior to Winter Conference. She is still soliciting articles.
- AICP CM: Richard Osborne is responsible for this activity. Winter Conference CMs approved prior to conference.
- Certificate Program: Allison Slocum has prepared a draft of proposed code of ethics. She hopes to present to the general membership at the 2014 Summer conference.
- Membership: 79 members have renewed or joined for 2014. Membership goal is 170.
The GAZA Summer Conference 2014 will be held at the Marriott Riverfront in Augusta on August 14 and 15. The 2015 GAZA Winter conference is scheduled for February 5 and 6 on the UGA campus in Athens.
Jean Lord provided the Board with samples of certificates that could be presented to members for years of attendance at GAZA conferences. Ms. Slocum made a motion, seconded by Ms. Jackson, to move ahead with this recognition program. Motion passed unanimously.
The agenda and program for the 2014 Winter conference was reviewed. Assignments concerning speaker introductions were made.
The next scheduled board meeting has been set for Friday April 11 in Eatonton at the Putnam County Administration Center. The meeting will begin at 11:00 AM with lunch provided.
Meeting adjourned at 5:15 PM.