Board Meeting – August 22, 2018

August 22, 2018
Jekyll Island, Georgia

Board Members Present

  • Richard Osborne, President
  • Lisa Jackson, Vice-President
  • Norman W. Pope, Secretary/Treasurer
  • Randy Mannino
  • Tom O’Bryant
  • Mike Mastrario
  • JeanAnne Marsh
  • Ethan Calhoun
  • Mary Teter
  • Allison Slocum, Past President


  • Jean Lord, UGA
  • Chrissy Marlowe, UGA
  • Danny Wallace, Tifton

President Richard Osborne called the scheduled board meeting of Georgia Association of Zoning Administrators (GAZA) to order at 4:00 p.m. with all officers and board members in attendance.

Minutes of the previous board meeting held on April 20, 2018, at Eatonton, Georgia were distributed to all in attendance.  Minutes had also been sent by email prior to the meeting.  After review, Randy Mannino made a motion, seconded by JeanAnne Marsh, to adopt the minutes as written.  Unanimous approval.

Norman Pope, Secretary/Treasurer, provided a verbal presentation on current financial condition of the association.  A written report will be submitted at the business meeting scheduled for Thursday, August 23.  It was being prepared at the time.

The scholarship committee composed of Mike Mastrario, Randy Mannino, Allison Slocum, Lisa Jackson and Norman Pope will meet tomorrow after lunch to determine the winner of the Betty Gecoma Scholarship for 2018-2019.  Six applications were received for consideration.

Legislative committee reported that the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) had prepared some written information for cities and counties concerning compliance with the broadband regulations.

No report from newsletter committee.

Membership committee reported that 2018 membership currently stands at 187 members with 53 of those members being new.  Goal of 200 members is still achievable and should be reached before year end.  Anyone who joins in last quarter of the year will be credited with a full year’s membership for 2019.

A lengthy discussion was held concerning the location of the Summer 2019 GAZA Conference.  Jean Lord from UGA provided the board with several potential sites and the costs associated with them.  After review, Lisa Jackson made a motion, seconded by Tom O’Bryant, to designate Savannah as the host city for the GAZA 2019 Summer Conference.  The conference will be held on August 21-23, 2019, at the Savannah Marriott.  Unanimous approval.

The winter 2020 training conference will be established at the 2019 winter board meeting.

Introduction of the speakers for the six sessions on Jekyll Island were assigned.

Chrissy Marlowe from UGA reminded the board of the importance of the CEU’s and evaluations, and to encourage all attendees to turn them in prior to leaving.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:06 p.m.

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