February 7, 2018
Lake Blackshear, Georgia
Board Members Present
- Allison Slocum, President
- Richard Osborne, Vice-President
- Norman W. Pope, Secretary/Treasurer
- Lisa Jackson
- Ethan Calhoun
- Mike Mastrario
- Mary Teter
- Jeanne Anne Marsh
- Ken Patton, Past President
Board Members Absent
- Tom O’Bryant
- Jean Lord – UGA
- Chrissy Marlow – UGA
President Allison Slocum called the scheduled board meeting of Georgia Association of Zoning Administrators (GAZA) to order at 4:04 p.m.
Minutes of the previous board meeting held on October 27, 2017, in Eatonton, Georgia, were distributed to all in attendance. Copies had also been emailed earlier. After review, Lisa Jackson made a motion, seconded by Ken Patton, to approve the minutes as written. Unanimous approval.
Norman Pope, Secretary/Treasurer, reported on current financial standing of the Association. Jeanne Anne Marsh made a motion, seconded by Lisa Jackson, to approve the financial report. Unanimous approval.
Scholarship Committee reported that the deadline to receive applications for the 2018-2019 Betty Gecoma GAZA scholarship would be May 31, 2018.
Legislative committee reported that new legislation regarding “tiny homes” went into effect January 01, 2018, statewide.
Newsletter committee reported a need for articles to be submitted to Angela Rambeau, newsletter editor.
AICP-CM committee reported that all sessions for current conference will be eligible for continuing educations credits. Georgia Planning Association (GPA) is underwriting any costs associated with providing these credits.
Membership committee reported that current membership stands at 93 members for 2018 and a goal of 200 has been established for the year.
Nominating committee composed of Allison Slocum, Lisa Jackson, Jeanne Anne Marsh, and Schubert Lane recommended the following slate of officers and board members for the 2018-2019 time frame:
- President: Richard Osborne 2018-2019
- Vice-President: Lisa Jackson 2018-2019
- Secretary/Treasurer: Norman Pope 2018-2019
- Board Member: Ethan Calhoun 2018-2021
- Board Member: Tom O’Bryant 2018-2021
- Board Member: Randy Mannino 2018
To fill unexpired term of Lisa Jackson
These nominations will be presented at the business meeting tomorrow (February 8, 2018) to the general membership. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor.
The 2018 GAZA Winter Conference currently has 97 registered attendees, and 29 of the registrations are for first time attendees. Introductions of speakers and award presentations were determined. Kim Landers from Sugar Hill, Georgia, was the winner of $100.00 to be presented tomorrow. Her name was drawn at the conclusion of the 2017 Summer Conference in Helen, Georgia.
Due to hurricane damage at Sea Palms resort on St. Simons Island, they will be unable to host the GAZA 2018 Summer Conference. Jean Lord, UGA, presented the board with several alternatives.
After review and discussion, Jeanne Anne Marsh made a motion, seconded by Mary Teter, to select the Jekyll Island Hotel on Jekyll Island, Georgia, as the site for the GAZA Summer conference 2018 site. Unanimous approval. The room rate will be an outstanding $115.00 per night plus a $15.00 per night resort fee. The conference is scheduled to be held August 23 and 24.
The 2019 Winter Conference will be held in Athens at the UGA Continuing Education Center on February 7 and 8, 2019.
Jean Lord, UGA, will provide the board with potential sites and costs for the 2019 Summer Conference as well as the 2020 Winter Conference.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m.