Board Meeting – October 14, 2016

October 14, 2016
Eatonton, Georgia

President Allison Slocum called the scheduled board meeting of GAZA to order at 11:02 a.m.

In attendance were President Allison Slocum, Vice-President Richard Osborne, Secretary/ Treasurer Norman Pope, board members:  Ethan Calhoun, Mary Teter, Lisa Jackson, Mike Mastrario, and Past President Ken Patton.  Board members Jeanne Anne Marsh and Tom O’Bryant were unable to attend the meeting.  Jean Lord from UGA was also in attendance.

Copies of the minutes of the previous board meeting held on August 17, 2016, in Callaway Gardens had been distributed by e-mail.   Copies were also available for this meeting.  After review and discussion, Ken Patton made a motion, seconded by Mike Mastrario, to approve the minutes.  Unanimous approval.

Norman Pope, Treasurer, distributed a current financial report to all in attendance.  After review and discussion, Mike Mastrario made a motion, seconded by Lisa Jackson, to approve the financial report. Unanimous approval.

The 2016 Summer Conference held recently at the Lodge and Spa at Callaway Gardens received excellent reviews from all attendees.  Many of our members were impressed with the rooms, food, service and meeting facilities.  The conference generated $33,767.00 in revenue (100 participants) and expenses totaled $33,424.30.  The profit of $342.70 was transferred to the GAZA account with CVIOG bringing our account balance to $1,885.73.

The following committees presented reports:

  • Scholarship – Applications for the Betty Gecoma scholarship for the 2017-2018 year are due by May 30, 2017.
  • Legislative – President Allison Slocum reported the new law regarding plat recordings will take effect on January 1, 2017.
  • Contract Committee – Nothing to report at this time.
  • Newsletter Committee – Will provide free membership to person who volunteered to assist with the newsletter. Motion made by Ken Patton, seconded by Lisa Jackson.  Unanimous approval.
  • AICP-CM Committee – Talks are continuing with GPA concerning their involvement with GAZA to provide some continuing education credits thru our conferences.
  • Certificate Program Committee – No report as this program is currently inactive.

(7)    Membership Committee – GAZA currently has 167 members.  Efforts from all               board members and officers continue to grow the Association.  Annual fees were               discussed in detail since GAZA has not raised dues since mid-1980’s.  Richard

Osborne made a motion, seconded by Mary Teter, to increase the dues to $35.00 per year to offset the inflationary pressures and allow GAZA more flexibility in securing potential ‘giveaways’.  Unanimous approval.

The Winter 2017 Conference is scheduled for Athens in February 1- 3, 2017, at the UGA Continuing Education Center.  The Summer 2017 Conference will be held in the mountains at Helen, Georgia in August 23 – 25, 2017.

In 2018, the Board is proposing a change to the February Conference location and have requested Jean Lord from UGA to obtain rates and availability for Lake Blackshear, Valdosta, and Albany.  The coastal area of Georgia will likely be the site for the Summer 2018 conference.

The agenda and the possible presenters for the topics were chosen by the Board.  The list is attached.

In a unanimous decision, the Board voted to limit ‘giveaways’ to once per year.

Richard Osborne informed the Board of a possible opportunity to help sponsor the popular CPI (Community Planning Institute) seminars held around the state.  We would be involved with DCA and GPA in these efforts.  Norman Pope made a motion, seconded by Lisa Jackson, to move forward with this sponsorship.  Unanimous approval.

With no further business to conduct, the board meeting was adjourned at 1:54 p.m.

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